Myelination Essay: Childhood Development

Myelination is a body development process through which a fatty layer, myelin, accumulates around the axon of the neurons. Myelin protects the neuron while increasing its capacity to transmit information. The neurons will be able to conduct signals faster and allow for more complex neural processes.

Child maltreatment incorporates all types of abuse against a child who is under the age of 18 by a parent or caregiver. Ill-treatment of children occurs when this caregiver or parent causes emotional or physical harm, death, or risk of serious injury to their child. On the other hand, child neglect is a type of child abuse that describes the failure to meet a child’s basic needs.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that can develop in children as a result of witnessing or experiencing a stressful life event or going through a period of prolonged stress. Stressful events can include events of physical and sexual mistreatment or violent crimes. Major catastrophic events such as car crashes, fire, and floods have also been linked to PTSD. Children with PTSD tend to replay events from the trauma. For example, a child who witnessed a school shooting will develop a sudden interest in shooting games as a result.
Signs of maltreatment in children aged 2 to 10.

  1. Unusual bruising.
  2. Slower than normal development
  3. Mental health problems
  4. Failure to thrive
  5. Unusual interaction with the parent

Centration is the inclination to focus on one facet of a situation. Egocentrism is a cognitive bias that makes us view others and the world only from our point of view. Static belief is used to describe a child’s belief that the world is not changing. Irreversibility is a developmental stage in which a child holds the false belief that actions cannot be reversed. The tendency to ignore all attributes that are not apparent is focus on appearance.

Animism is a belief that all natural physical beings such as trees possess a living spirit. In this stage, the child believes that the world of nature is alive, and everything in it has a purpose. This begins at around 4 – 5 years where the child feels that everything is alive up to the age of around ten years where they understand that only plants and animals are alive.

Scaffolding is the teaching process through which a teacher offers a lesson on how to solve a problem, and they step back to provide support when needed. Private speech is the speech that is directed at oneself and it usually serves an important intellectual function.
Fast mapping refers to the capacity of children to learn words the first time they are exposed. Once children hear a certain new word for the first time, it is tough for them to forget it. Overregularization occurs when children extend learned grammatical patterns to irregular words. For example using tooths instead of teeth. This is only temporary, and kids overgrow this over time.

Self-esteem is one’s belief in their own abilities. On the other hand, self-concept is the idea that a person holds about themselves that they have constructed themselves and also on the feedback received from others.
Socio-dramatic play is when kids act as teachers, lawyers, and parents, etc. as their play themes. This is a very important stage of social and literary development. They also tend to use written language to support their play themes. Socio-dramatic play requires the participation of other children. Rough-and-tumble play is the rough games that kids like to play among themselves. This includes wrestling, pushing, pulling, grabbing, etc. Such types of games teach the children how to take calculated risks, and it is part of our survival instincts.
Baumrind’s three patterns of parenting

  1. Permissive parenting

In this case, the parent acts in an acceptant, non-punitive and supportive manner towards their kid’s actions and impulses. Much dialogue is involved, and very few demands are made of the child regarding household responsibility. The child is encouraged to carry freely with their activities with very little interference from the parents.
Permissive parenting causes the kids to be very impulsive as adults and more susceptible to drug abuse. They do not learn to control their behavior and expect everything to go their way. However, they are mostly confident, independent and very driven.

  1. Authoritarian parenting

An authoritarian parent attempts to control the behavior of their children but in an issue-oriented and rational manner. The parent encouraged a verbal exchange to explain the reasoning behind all their policies. The child’s special interests and ways are respected.
Children raised by authoritarian parents tend to be more successful, generous, and liked by those around them.

  1. Authoritative parenting

The parents attempt to shape, control and influence the behavior and attitude of the child. The parents are usually theologically motivated and the rules they abide by are formulated by a higher authority. Additionally, they prefer to employ punitive means of correcting wrongful behavior.
Children raised under these parenting principals are usually quiet, reserved, conformists, and unhappy. Authoritative parenting can also lead to self-blame and depression among the kids. Children who resent their authoritative upbringing usually rebel in their adolescent or adult years.
Five types of play noted by Parten.

  1. Unoccupied play
  2. Onlooker play
  3. Parallel play
  4. Associative play
  5. Cooperative play

In the episode, CBS 60 minutes introduces a child Math Prodigy – Jake. Jake’s exceptional ability at math has seen him progress through his high school curriculum in months and join college at the age of 12. At an early age, his parents discovered that their child was autistic after he displayed a lack of emotional development. Nevertheless, they were able to learn how to alleviate the symptoms of his autism by allowing to focus on the subjects that he loved.

Child prodigy specialists believe that there is a link between autism and child prodigies. Jake also believes that his autism is also the reason behind his love for Science, Math, and Astronomy. He plans to use his special skill to help others get over their fear of mathematics and the sciences. In this regard, he is writing a book that will show others the beauty that he sees in math.

10% of the general population of autism will have an autistic savant skill. I believed that his parents handled his autism very well. Autism requires much commitment from parents. The parents of Jake took him through speech therapy, development therapy, and physical therapy to find ways of solving his mental regression.

The segment was about the various types of minds that different people have. The speaker was a visual thinker with the unique ability to process thoughts in the form of images. Research is increasingly showing that visual thinkers think using the primary visual cortex. However, autistic minds tend to be selective and while they excel at one thing, they fail at other subjects.

The other type of thinker is the pattern thinker that comprises the computer programmers and engineers. Their thoughts are geared towards associating everything with a certain pattern. Unlike pattern thinkers who often have trouble reading, there are verbal thinkers who tend to grasp each piece of information that they come across.

You can make a mind either thinking or cognitive mind or a socially inclined mind. However, in autistic minds research shows that there social areas are not as engaged as the others. It is very important that the society in the future makes better use of such minds because of the perspective that they share. Visual thinkers can be especially useful in industries that involve industrial and graphic design and almost everything else that involves computers and photography.

The most enlightening part was the visual thinker. I believe that the ability to think visually provides the thinker with a unique perk. This will make the individual to excel at visual subjects, especially mathematics and sciences. Pattern thinkers excel as mathematicians, computer programmers, and software engineers.

What is Bullying?
Bullying is intentionally tormenting another person verbally or physically. This can also involve psychological torment. Bullying ranges from hitting, name-calling, and extorting money and other personal possessions. Additionally, children also bully each other by spreading rumors or using social media to taunt others.

Why Kids Bully
Children bully each other for a number of reasons. It can be to feel more important or to appear in control. They usually target those who appear either physically or emotionally weaker or anyone who appears different. The victim is usually weaker than the bully but this is not always the case.

Signs of Bullying
Bullying can easily go unnoticed without the child opening up. Nonetheless, some of the most common signs of bullying include anxiety, lack of appetite or sleep, and a general lack of interest. Bullying might also cause children to become moodier, avoid some situations, and a change of behavior.

Helping Kids
Kids that are going through bullying can be assisted through support and comfort. This will make it easier for them to open up. Sometimes kids blame themselves for the situations they are in, including bullying. It is important to inform someone at the school about the bullying once the kid opens up. They will be in the best position to deal with the situation.
Advice for kids

  1. Avoid the bully

This approach requires the victim to avoid contact with the bully. Also, it is advisable for the victim always to have a friend close to them. This can also involve another bullying victim.

  1. Act brave and walk away

Bullies can also be intimidated by bravery. Victims should learn to ignore the hateful remarks and act uninterested. This will keep the bully from bothering the victim.

I picked the ‘avoid the bully’ strategy because it is the easiest to implement. In an institution as large as a school it can be easier to avoid confrontations. Also, acting brave and uninterested in the bully will make them lose interest in tormenting the victim.

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