Essay on Adverse Effects of Alcoholism and Alcohol Addiction

The history of Jackie family’s on alcoholism and her consumption of alcohol is disturbing taking into account that she is expectant. It is imperative that we approach this issue with a very clear mind. From a pregnancy standpoint, alcohol burns B-vitamins, particularly vitamin B1.  Therefore using a vitamin-B complex, together with a100mg of thiamine (vitamin B1) during days that Jackie might relapse and consume alcohol can assist look after her nervous system and check the nerve damage witnessed in alcoholics because of thiamin insufficiency (Molloy et al., 2008). Moreover, alcoholic longings might be as a result of a shortage of B-vitamins that are burned through alcohol consumption; therefore using supplements might assist reduce her craving to consume alcohol (Molloy et al., 2008). A different alternative to help overcome alcohol consumption that entail a mixture of amino acids or a big dosage of L-glutamine to assist battle cravings. These two approaches can as well help decrease the nervousness that accompanies withdrawal from alcohol consumption (Molloy et al., 2008).

Milk thistle (silybum marianum) has been demonstrated to arouse liver cells regeneration and defend them from toxic harm that might result from alcoholism. Using two capsules of this extort three times every day is advised to be taken until further notice (Molloy et al., 2008). Moreover, vitamin B12 shortage might lead to impulsive abortion or premature delivery (Molloy et al., 2008). Shortage of Vitamin B12 might as well cause incapability to conceive that is imperative for Jackie lest she would like to bear an additional child in the future (Molloy et al., 2008).
Not only do we have to defend Jackie from the pessimistic alcohol effects, but also to safeguard the unborn. Fotale is a further key vitamin for Jackie to use. Low levels of maternal folate in pregnancy can bring about low child birth weight that might in turn result in lasting developmental and unfavorable health results for her unborn infant (NHS choices, 2014). The responsibility of folic acid in deterrence of neural tube defects (NTD) is deep-rooted and this safeguard might also expand to other birth imperfections. Several cases of NTD comprise spina bifida (anomalous growth of the fetal spine), anencephaly (baby is born lacking some brain and skull parts), and encephalocele (membrane or skin-covered sac having section of the fetal brain is forced out via a hole within the skull) (NHS choices, 2014).

Secondly, Jackie’s psychiatrist fell short of acknowledging that apart from being attacked mentally, her ill views began a conflict within her physical system which made her feel insecure. Moreover, it is imperative for us to keep in mind that blood memory is an extremely actual issue. Blood memory is the recollection of the entire time and lineage that is claimed to be passed down through mothers. Her emotions and fears are simply not her but they her mother’s and grandmother’s plea for assistance that her body is as well acting in response (Waaler & Toska, 1999).
When rendered to self faulting, one’s digestions cease running appropriately and lead to a slow down of blood flow.

From an Indigenous viewpoint, this procedure of interruption to the body by digestion has been identified as the source of doubt and fear. Usually, blood flow grows steadily following a meal, attaining an utmost flow after 20-40 minutes and survives 1.5-2 hours (Waaler & Toska, 1999). This is the source of healthy food digestion. Under usual conditions, particularly following a meal, the body is within the “rest-and-digest” condition in which blood flow is guided to the digestive tract and peripheral organs (Iliades, n.d.). On the other hand, the “fight-or-flight” structure is stimulated in reaction to a dreadful stimulus or anxiety (Iliades, n.d.). The body guides blood flow outside our peripheral organs and digestive tract to the brain and heart, raising our heart beat and rate of respiration as stress reaction (Iliades, n.d.). If this reaction is mounted right following a meal, digestion might be hampered.  Emotional pressure like self-blaming as well stimulates the “fight-or-flight” reaction, resulting in preservation of the ingested foods for afterward digestion (Iliades, n.d.). Chronically, this is harmful for the body, particularly an expectant woman. A mother’s brain lines up her unborn kid’s brain. This is why strictly stressed mothers will frequently bear kids whose stress system as well runs to an elevated gear, regardless of how much they adore their kid and regardless of that they endeavor to perform their finest (Maté 2008). Whatever we do not cope with in our lives, we convey to our kids. Our incomplete poignant business turns out to be theirs (Maté 2008).

Profound rhythm and breaths bring calm to the adrenals that are under stress attack (Lee). This is the reasons songs are viewed since medicine in the healing course within Aboriginal society. Traditionally, women sing to their kids. Whether out of joy or sorrow, singing is a means to detoxify oneself. In accordance with scientific study completed by Professor Emoto, music affects water’s ‘health’, and this as well promotes the link that music has on persons as we are mainly comprised of water (Emoto). Before Jackie departs these sessions packed with feeling; the healers will play the drums and sing to her.

At the conclusion of this phase, we will reward Jackie with a little grandfather rock to take around with her (Burman, 2015).When grief and anxiety start to creep up, she can grip onto the rock and throughout its powers keep in mind her advancement and teachings in order that her emotions do not devour her.

Lastly, Jackie and her family are as well required to be organizing themselves to toil on their human relationships that are presently suffering, particularly Jackie. This is the mainly complex duty for some due to all the baggage that is raised. Nevertheless, we should learn to have healthy relations with our society and relatives. If Jackie articulates that she needs to combat her affiliation with the men in her existence, will I be eager to act so. Given that she is expectant, there is no necessity to include a layer of strain onto her because of the weight of this state that may come up. What will be powerfully advised and practiced is mending with the lady throughout her existence. While our Anishinaabe-kwe women are expectant, the women within the society congregate around her as a system of support (Anderson, 2011).

It is factual that colonization has influenced Jackie’s mother and grandmother’s capability to demonstrate love, although there is at all times affection in our hearts. Permitting them to come together during meals will foster and revive relationships. Moreover, inviting them into entity session for fear that they feel uncomfortable and uneasy to team together for a meal will greatly help foster love relationships. Furthermore, beading work will be heartened amongst the women to accomplish together to help them become bond as they converse with each other. Independently, her motherly grandmother ought to look for counsel while she is ready to fight the distress of residential schools. Moreover, I can give her my testimony concerning my recovery journey from the ordeal. Concerning Mary-Anne, we experience that we have instituted a profound enough affiliation with her to give her support if she is willing to apply the same arrangement that we are presenting to Jackie. Mary-Anne is an excellent mother who pleads for assistance from the healers since she experiences that she is not ready to be an ideal mother without help. We should draw out the healer within her, and we understand that by instincts that she is prepared for this expedition.

Jackie’s predicament is not unusual in aboriginal societies. Given the suffering caused arising from assimilation and colonization, several Indigenous individuals fight with personality perplexity including mental and physical anguishes. Nevertheless, these troubles are not completely suffered by Indigenous inhabitants. Numerous non-aboriginal natives as well experience childhood distress, stress, and hesitation, resulting in troubles during their maturity. It is significant to comprehend that neither conservative health care nor customary remedial unaided is complete enough to cure every sickness owing to the recent condition we are in. The most favorable approach is a policy that incorporates customary healing with conservative health care, concentrating on the organic, mental, and social (also known as bio-psycho-social) features of an individual’s existence. In line with the book Braiding Sweet grass observing Indigenous Knowledge- Traditional Knowledge, Western Knowledge – Scientific Knowledge and our individual stories might seem like an overpowering conflicting duty. Nevertheless, if done properly, we can involve in a reciprocity act through weaving these three choices of healing jointly – it is my expectation that I have been capable to accomplish it (Kimmerer, 2013).

The traditional remedial procedure puts significance on spiritual curing and soul purification. Notably, it employs a holistic method, concentrating on all features of an individual. Further, customary healing cures an individual together with their relatives and society, not simply the person alone. Such approaches as well connect the customer back to their basis and distinguish the significance of correlation developing between the care source and client. Conversely, conservative health care employs proof based exercises and cures to treat and watch sick persons. There is a huge concentration on drugs as healing for organic, emotional, and social troubles. Nevertheless, non-pharmacological cures exist, for instance cognitive and behavioral therapy methods employed in psychology and concentrates on diet and work out as first line choices heralding opening pharmacotherapy.

One main contrast between conventional and traditional medicine is the employ of natural plant cures and ceremonies for the latter and artificial drugs and technologies for the former. A benefit of employing natural cures and ceremonies is the capability to permit the person to cure themselves. The healings and healers serve as supporting aspects, but the customer has to ultimately rely on themselves to get calm within their being. This decreases opportunities of reliance and enforces the person’s spirit. On the other hand, synthetic cures and laboratory examinations can be helpful to treat and watch persons who are extremely disabled to assist themselves. The drugs can procure the individual time or potency to turn out to be extra capable and self-reliant.

In spite of their dissimilarities, conservative health care and traditional medicines have noticeably comparable core morals. Conventional health care exercise the moral values of patient independence, beneficence, non-malfeasance, and impartiality. Likewise, traditional curers follow core values like debweyendaa (sacred belief hope of moral conduct) and michidoumowin (contravention of debweyendaa–violation of moral behavior) in the Anishinabe customs (Maar & Shawande, 2010). The two set of values guarantee patient security, confidentiality, and supply responsibility for misbehavior (Maar & Shawande, 2010). In summary, incorporation of all the above ideas can permit practitioners of both customary conventional health cares to work together while upholding the reliability of every system.


Molloy, A. M., Kirke, P. N., Brody, L. C., Scott, J. M., & Mills, J. L. (2008). Effects of folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies during pregnancy on fetal, infant, and child development. Food & Nutrition Bulletin, 29(Supplement 1), 101-111.
Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia – Complications . (2014, May 21). Retrieved November 6, 2015, from
Waaler, B. A., & Toska, K. (1999). [Digestive system’s large and changing needs of blood supply]. Tidsskrift for den Norske laegeforening: tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny raekke, 119(5), 664-666.
Iliades, C. (n.d.). How Stress Affects Digestion (P. Bass, Ed.). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from
Emoto, M. (n.d) What is the photograph of frozen water crystals. Retrieved (2010) Retrieved November 5th from
Farb, N. A., Anderson, A. K., & Segal, Z. V. (2012). The Mindful Brain and Emotion Regulation in Mood Disorders. Can J Psychiatry, 57(2) , 70-77.

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